Maya Ford Maya Ford

Who Is Service Really About?

After being in this business for 20 years, I realize the businesses I respect the most are those that take a sincere interest in the betterment of community around them. This looks like different things based on the size of the organization, the needs of the community, and the desired outcome. Whether small investments or large, servitude and servant leadership matters, and here's a look at why…

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Blog Guest User Blog Guest User

Is Your Consultant Really Working?

If you do a general Google search on consultants, you’ll find more how-to’s on becoming a consultant than how-to’s on hiring the right fit. Why is that? This gap in information is what brings us here, now. Our primary goal as consultants is ensuring our work is sustainable, which includes ensuring our clients know what to expect and how to set expectations. (We found a decent guide on how to hire consultants, which we’ll share.)

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FM! Guest User FM! Guest User

What Makes Us Buzz

We built Ford Momentum! on our empirical, cultural, professional and spiritual investigation into how people create, innovate and exchange ideas and values to positively impact profit and people…

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