What Makes Us Buzz


FordMomentum! Brand Story

Can we get straight to it?

Your business cannot afford to not recognize and include diverse perspectives in your communications strategy. Period.

We built Ford Momentum! on our empirical, cultural, professional and spiritual investigation into how people create, innovate and exchange ideas and values to positively impact profit and people.

We dissected our communications experiences in medicine, marketing, transportation, arts and culture, recreation and leisure, environment, disaster relief...nearly every U.S. industry. In addition, we examined domestic and international cultures of various nations around the world where we have worked (Australia, Cuba, Ethiopia, Fiji, Morocco, Panama, and Turkey). We reviewed data from research companies, world organizations, as well as our own analyses.

Here’s what we know about communications: Your business, organization, or municipality must get it right.

You have zero reason to not do it, and to not do it is ethically, socially, and economically irresponsible.

Right now you could think of at least three communication failures in the media. Go ahead—Seriously think about it.

Even the most well-intentioned plan, conceived by the most well-intentioned people can find itself in a media uproar with consumers and clients asking, “What were they thinking?”

Can you afford to offend a consumer who represents $13 trillion buying power?

Do you have the valuable time and money to waste asking the same people for answers?

At the core of our approach is the belief that diversity and inclusion should not be specious jargon to mean talk like me, dress like me, think like me, operate like me; but just be a different sexuality, ethnicity or culture than me. Conversely, diversity and inclusion mean recognizing that there are more people who are similar to us than dissimilar in a 30-mile radius.

Within those 30 miles are layers of diversity that most don't pay attention to but if we did, we'd have what we need to solve everything together.

Our business is built on setting a new standard where we all earn with integrity and spend with integrity—we win with integrity.

(Whoa! So now that we’re acquainted…)

FM! gets it right and wins.

Our mission is to deliver sustainable communications strategies using a mix of data science, culture integration, and creative process was born.

Data supports or denies an anecdote. But data doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and it cannot be used as an absolute truth. We use data to guide us to a holistic truth. This approach incorporates the perspective of everyone who is connected to your project. Additionally, we take it to another level by reading between the data lines.

FM! came across a figure that designated a US neighborhood, comprised of those included in that buying power, a food desert—a community where residents don’t have access to fresh, wholesome food and produce. Simple enough, right? Data revealed the problem. Very smart humans came up with a data-informed solution: open more grocery stores in areas where there are none. Aha!

Knowing the level of scarcity (Thanks, data!) in this community was a step toward identifying and solving such an egregious problem, right?

We’ll, wait.

When FM! came across this information, we found solid data, yes. But we went further.

We asked ourselves: Were residents asked about where they buy produce? What about bodegas and corner stores? Do those stores have fresh food options? And if they don’t, what about filling their shelves with produce, capitalizing on pre-existing infrastructure, instead of building a brand new big box store?

As communications scientists, Ford Momentum! asks the right questions to get the right results.

We want to know what the truth is, but unlike other communications approaches, we don’t believe truth is absolute; moreover, it certainly doesn’t come from an exclusive dataset of ones and zeros. We must ask questions.

Data is a method used to validate other conversions of non-traditional methods—query, observation, listening, language, and a recognition of others (your audience) in their natural state.

That’s why our communications approach includes cultural integration.

Cultural currency is the value(s), the ’why’ of a group or organization. It is the way in which a group of people conduct the exchange of humanity—the tools that individuals use within their own culture, and how they take that information out to other cultures in order to socialize, capitalize, or set value.

Furthermore, there are other ways people make sense of things than just money.

What is a zoo worth to a mom who doesn’t believe in confinement? The zoo’s currency is husbandry for science’s sake. The mom’s? Freedom.

What is the speed of a company’s electric train worth to a father whose son uses it to get to school? The company’s currency is time. The father’s? Safety.

What does this exchange look like? FM! helps you determine that.

We believe exchange doesn’t mean compromise. Although we may exchange or convert our currency, we get to spend it as we choose, and (here it is!), we can still accomplish the goal in a way that makes sense for all parties involved.

How we spend our currency after we exchange it is the creative process.

Culture provides a way of surviving. In business, surviving translates into sustainability. Sustainability is the level of productivity maintained over time that is exponentially profitable.

Once data shows you the problem and possibility in your communications, we identify the cultural currency and creative process needed to sustain your work.

Meet us where we are. Buzzing around our Houston, Texas lab. Pollinating. Investigating. Creating. Buzz us with something to solve, and explore, and let us help you build sustainable communications solutions.

Let us help you get it right.



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