We’re asking, and you’re telling. The North Boulder community has told us that it seeks to continue to be a place full of inspiration, wonder, and inclusion for all. One of the ideas being led by the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA) and Emerald Management is to develop a Creative Campus in NoBo.

This campus will include a new home for BMoCA, housing, and mixed use work space, open space and places for discovery. It’s important for us to be considerate of the things that NoBo residents find value in - community, nature, arts, prosperity, and our ability to be responsible stewards of the bright future we are all building towards.

Your input in this survey is incredibly important. It will provide language and direction based on our shared values. Building this way ensures that the creative campus in NoBo protects and enhances the community’s ability to maintain its cultural identity and heritage.

Take 10 minutes to take the survey now!


Click HERE to learn more about BMoCA.

Click HERE to read about our efforts in the Daily Camera.