Our approach...
We believe communications is more than about dialogue (2 way conversation) and the five senses. It's a science. Our work helps others feel clear about their desires from the inside-out. We build sustainable communications strategies by using a of mix data science, cultural inclusion and creative (illustrative) processes. The outcomes authentically resonate with your organization's principles and your audience's standards. The results are an honest win for everyone. We call these wins sweet results!
Communications is a science. We're pros at using scientific processes to verify that we're leveraging communications correctly. We use measurement to confirm that our systems actually work.
Culture is as complex as the people that create it. We use query as the basis of our communications work so that messages are always inclusive of our subject's authentic sentiments.
All humans are creative; some humans are better at expressing creativity. We balance culture and science to inform the vision and meaning of what we intend to relay. Once the foundation is established, we use visual art to enhance the narrative.
Communications is the DNA of collaboration.
FM! has experience in nearly every major industry including:
Public Health
Urban Development
Social Impact/Justice
Restorative Justice
Mass global communications
Non-profit and grant-funded projects
Economic Development